Are you making the most of our new search feature?
Find all the information you need on the Fersa website using our online tools.
Whether you are looking for information about one of our part numbers, an OEM part number or you are looking for the perfect bearing for a specific application, our website is the best online catalog.
We have three search engines depending on the information available:
Search by part numbers:
In this search engine, you can enter OEM part numbers, Fersa’s one or other manufacturers’ part numbers.
You can directly access to it from our Homepage or through our Product section, in "Cross references".
Search by application:
If you are looking for the perfect part number for a specific application, this search engine allows you to filter by application, brand and model.
Search by size:
If you want to search according to the size of the bearing, you can do it using the section on the left from any of our search engines. Enter the internal or external diameter and the width of the bearing. The more information you give us about the measurements, the more accurate the results will be.
Through any of these searches, you'll find a product data sheet. Each sheet contains detailed technical information, applications and OEM part numbers cross-referenced with other manufacturers. In addition, the sheet shows all the part numbers that are used in the application that may also interest you. Moreover, for products that are used in differentials and gearboxes, information on F-Box Rebuild Kits in which this part number is included is provided.
At Fersa, we are convinced that finding the perfect bearing should not be complicated. That's why we work hard to give you the best online catalog, updated, with detailed technical information and complete solutions to your needs.