• 85% of employees think Fersa Bearings is a great place to work. This places Fersa well above the average of 72% in the GPTW ranking of companies in the industrial sector.
  • The work atmosphere, family reconciliation, as well as the competence of the management in running the business, are, among others, the aspects most valued by Fersa's employees.
  • Among the strategies that most influence the well-being of its employees are the company's commitment to flexible working hours, promoting cordial and respectful treatment for all workers, as well as the trust and autonomy of employees.

Zaragoza, February 28, 2022 - FERSA BEARINGS, the Aragonese company specializing in the manufacture of high-performance bearings, becomes the first company in the industrial sector of Aragon to achieve the GPTW Certification awarded by the international consulting firm Great Place to Work®, the leader in the identification and certification of Excellent Places to Work.

After a diagnosis of the organizational environment, carried out to measure and evaluate different indicators, the company has obtained this certification, which certifies that Fersa Bearings is an organization with a culture of high confidence, capable of attracting and retaining talent.

Specifically, the results of the survey reveal the special valuation that its professionals make of the camaraderie of the team, the credibility of the organization and its managers, as well as the pride of belonging to the organization.

Zaragoza, 28 de febrero 2022.- FERSA BEARINGS, la compañía aragonesa especialista en la fabricación de rodamientos de altas prestaciones, se convierte en la primera empresa del sector industrial de Aragón, en conseguir la Certificación GPTW otorgada por la consultora internacional Great Place to Work®, líder en la identificación y certificación de Excelentes Lugares para Trabajar.

Adrian Lafuente, HR Business Partner at Fersa Bearings, comments: "Today we are proud because this recognition certifies our company as a great place to work, and encourages us to continue our commitment to talent management policies focused on enriching and improving the professional and personal lives of our employees, and making Fersa Bearings a company where employees can trust, feel proud of what they do and enjoy the people they work with".

Among the main human resources strategies and policies implemented by Fersa Bearings, the flexibility offered by the company to its employees to be able to reconcile personal and professional life stands out. The company fosters and guarantees a good working climate and environment, characterized by good treatment and respectful relationships between colleagues and superiors. Fersa also supports its employees to give voice to their concerns within the company, and to implement their own initiatives, ideas and projects as a way of development, professional growth and learning.

Pedro Pablo Andreu, CEO of Fersa Bearings, explains: "Our company culture, which we call Fersa Style, motivates us to be curious, to lead and to have a spirit of self-improvement, among other values. It is this culture that makes us bet on people with potential, capacity for growth and willingness to learn, grow and take on responsibilities. This certification endorses us as an attractive employer, capable of attracting, retaining and developing the best talent and professionals, but it also implies a commitment to our team. The diagnosis will help us to reinforce our strengths and, above all, to identify what we are not doing well and what we need to improve.


About GPTW:

Great Place to Work® is a consulting firm that for more than 30 years has been working with companies around the world to identify, create and sustain high-trust, high-performance cultures by helping organizations become Best Places to Work.

About Fersa Bearings:

Fersa Bearings is an Aragonese multinational company, expert in the design, manufacture and distribution of high-performance bearings for the OEM and Aftermarket sectors of automotive, industrial and renewable energy applications.

In 2021, the company had a turnover of 105M € and expects to reach 138M € in 2022. Fersa Bearings has a workforce of 600 employees worldwide, 200 at its headquarters located in Zaragoza, 4 manufacturing plants, 3 R&D centers, and 16 logistics centers to support and service customers in more than 100 countries.

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Contact information:


Marketing and Communication

E-mail: [email protected]

Polígono Industrial PLAZA, Rda. del Canal Imperial de Aragón, 14, 50197 Zaragoza


Fersa Group: https://youtu.be/KDSN9id7Y3w

Fersa Bearings - Innovative processes: https://youtu.be/fF5QbrO1IwY

Fersa Bearings - Innovative spirit: https://youtu.be/knn9E3H3oQc