For three years, every December, Fersa has showed its new references and solutions tailored to each application, thus meeting the specific needs of the most popular brands to the in the Asian market. At the same time, this year Fersa presented the opening of its innovative new logistics distribution center, JLC, located in Jiaxing, which opened its doors last July.

Represented with a 56 square meter stand, Fersa had many local and international visitors, as well as attracting the interest of many experts involved in the sector, such as specialized journals, where the company demonstrated that thanks to its innovations and its orientation, it is becoming one of the best-positioned brands in this market.

Automechanika Shanghai, second largest exhibition of components and services in the automotive sector, is held annually and each year features a large participation of professionals. Due to the large number of participants, the organization announced that its next edition in 2015 will be a change of location: the National Exhibition and Convention Center, a more spacious and modern venue, with 500,000 square meters of exhibition space.